What: Cases of bottled water (any brand is fine) (A case at Wal-Mart is $3.50)


When: All water needs to be dropped off by Monday, November 5th at 5pm.


Where: Drop off the water in the Student Center (the opposite corner of the TV)




因为不能回家,emma在网上给我说,学校发了通知,回家去告诉爸妈,家里的水不能喝了,因为sandy来了。家里的水全部倒掉,学生中心的水也不能喝!吓了我一跳,赶紧查邮件,原来Emma看掉了off,把”drop off” 当成了”drop”了。我安慰她,不急,我们家没有受灾,不用管这个茬。



CIU is partnering with Care +1 to help with disaster relief. We are collecting cases of bottled water for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. After disasters like Hurricane Sandy, water lines break and there is high need for clean water.

What: Cases of bottled water (any brand is fine) (A case at Wal-Mart is $3.50)

When: All water needs to be dropped off by Monday, November 5th at 5pm.

Where: Drop off the water in the Student Center (the opposite corner of the TV)

