
I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.



Several weeks ago, insurance company sent a letter to us said they don’t have emma’s US or Canada driver license info, so they may cancel her insurance. I ask emma to try it once, this can not delay now.


but Emma is busy on class, so she said she did not have confidence to pass. but we need try, and if she failed, i can still have time to discuss with insurance company. at least try once.


to comfort her, I helped her to prepare the docs. I checked the visa, and found out that her visa status changed to F1, but she would not change the doc. only when she would go back to china and come back again, she need a new visa.

so with two letters from school, one from social security department, one from bank, one from a professional translator, visa, i-20, i-94, original chinese driver license, and more, she went to DMV.


but last week she went there at afternoon, need appointment. So she came back. after 1 week, she went there again.



yesterday night we were at library, and grandmom took care of david. she let him sleep until 8 p.m., so at night no one could sleep early, and very tired in the morning. Emma told me, pray for me, I am going to take the road test. I said, always pray, and Lord will help you pass it.

我没有陪她去,爸爸和她一起去了。中午他们回来,真的考过了。而且马上就拿到了驾照。太神奇了,不是要等10天吗?这样的事情也可以发生。I did not go with her, instead Dad went. in the noon, they came back and she passed. and she got her driver license in the same day! Amazing, need to wait 10 days, did not? how can this happen.

emma说,如果这个月不去考试,她的档案就报废了,11月再去就需要重新进行笔试了。呵呵,搞不清楚为什么她总是要到最后几天才通过,难道这就是神给她的特别恩典?Emma told me, at DMV, she heard that if she did not pass this month, her docs would be invalid. and she need to take the writing test again. Ha, how can she always do such kind of things? is that her special gift?



Of course, at afternoon, DMV called her saying that they made a mistake to give her DL today. please sent it back, and they will mail her in 10 days. Of course!
