Eccl 10:3~~~: Even when the fool drives on the road, he lacks sense,
and he says to everyone that he is a fool.

Eccl 10:3 并且愚昧人行路显出无知,对众人说,他是愚昧人。


最近要开学了,参加路考的同学们都是16、7岁的小朋友,准备读大学的时候可以开车。我在国内没有拿到驾照,据说因为时间太忙,驾校报了名,去混了一两次,就因故停下来。到了我再想去的时候,两年过去了已经过期了。New semester will begin soon, almost all the people coming to have road test are teenagers, preparing for their new college days. but I did not get my driver’s license from China, because I was busy and forgot to attend the training courses. When I wanted to get it, it’s expired long before.


So the first week in US, I thought there maybe something wrong, that Mr. Park ride me out everyday to prepare our new US life. So I attended the written test, which was good to pass by the first time. I got a beginner permit, and with someone side in front, can drive now.



with Emma’s company, we have been to many places, and met many dangers. In 6 months, I drove about 10k miles, especially brought my parents to different places.


some time there were really danger. Merging into highway was always a big problem, too fast to do it. But with God’s protection, nothing serious happened. Once at a museum of Atlanta, the car touched the wall; once at Bi-Lo, the car kissed another car; at street, parallel parking could not work out; scared by touching the throttle by the mean of brake, several times; changing lane, forgot to look back, and horning behind; changing lane, looking back and forgot there’s car in front of me; turned right but at the left lane; out of garage, forgetting to open the door; out of the garage, forgetting to close the door; got some wrong estimation of distance… and, burned my battery through turning on the air conditioner without turning on the engine, and crash mami’s mailbox at Florida.


According to all these, no car accident, no police, no insurance company involved, is because we prayed before moving. I prayed that holy spirit would help me and God would send his angels to protect me, so my car would just like balaam’s donkey.



then 6 months passed, and i would take the road test. but the first time really has nothing to say, I started, asked to back drive, and I got a S line on the road, exceed both the left lane and the curb. the tester asked me to park, and said i failed. she asked me to practice more, and come back after two weeks.


Then emma was preparing, so we went to dmv every evening, with david. I tried backing with different method loui taught me, it’s easy indeed, and I don’t know why i failed the first time.


after two weeks, emma went to get it first. i could not take the same day, for i need to wait at least one more day. but emma could not take it also, all her documents were sending to immigration department. But dmv told her, she could still use her international license.


But loui came, worry about my status. so he asked dmv if i could drive with beginner permit and emma siting by my side. the answer is yes! so I did not break the law. But Loui was still worry, and I decided to try the second time next day.



Nothing interesting for my US friends, I took backing, stopping, driving, turning, 3-points, parallel parking, and it’s over. I passed.



when we first came, my chinese friends told me the test was easy, and I need to pretend to look back many times, then I supposed to pass. but after failed the first time, i practiced a lot, and understood that all the instruction from the book are just necessity. otherwise it’s dangerous.

感谢神让我多练习了两周时间,现在比以前应该更明白了。神的预备总是最好的。and I thank God giving me two more weeks to practice, so I would know what was the best for me.