Cong “Eddy” Zhang, translator, pastor, church planter, and bloger.
- 2012-2015. MDiv in Ministry Leadership. Columbia International University, Seminary and Mission School, Columbia, SC, US.
- 1999-2005. Ph.D., Computer Science and Software. Chongqing University, Chongqing City, China. Research areas are Belief Network and uncertainty reasoning.
- 1995-1998. Master of Eng. , Construction Management. Chongqing Jianzhu University (now merges into Chongqing University), Chongqing City, China.
- 1987-1991. Bach. of Eng. , tech. economics/water resource planning. Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Selected translation works:
- 2009. Translation from English to Chinese. Huizenga Betty. 2012. Apples of Gold : A Six-Week Nurturing Program for Women. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook. For internal use.
- 2010. Translation to Chinese. Mack Wayne A. 2013. Preparing for Marriage God’s Way a Step-By-Step Guide for Marriage Success Before and After the Wedding. Phillipsburg NJ: P & R Publishing. Will publish this year by
- March, 2013. Translation of one paper by Malcolm Schofield, Religion and Philosophy in the Law, in Symposium Platonicum Samuel Scolnicov Luc Brisson and International Plato Society. 2003. Plato’s Laws : From Theory into Practice : Proceedings of the Vi Symposium Platonicum : Selected Papers 1. Auflage ed. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. Ref.《柏拉图的次好政制》.
- 2011-2012. Translation. Ficino Marsilio. The Letters of Marsilio Ficino. London: Shepheard-Walwyn, 1975-2020. Volume 1-3. 斐奇诺书信集(1-3卷)。Unpublished.
- 2013. Translation. Timothy Keller’s Grace to City church planting material. Part of module 4, 5, 13,15。Ref. to one pulished article by Chinese “Church Magazine”: “具有传福音动力的教会”。
- 2014.Translation. McQuilkin J. Robertson. 2009. Understanding and Applying the Bible Rev. and exp ed. Chicago: Moody. This is part of Columbia International University Chinese program. I also translated whole Hermeneutics online material into Chinese.
- 2015. Translation. Hiebert D. Edmond. 1991. The Epistles of John : An Expositional Commentary. Greenville S.C: Bob Jones University Press. Free access from
- 2015, 2022. Translation. Harold Ewing Burchett, Spiritual Life Studies: A Manual for Personal Edification. Bringing Christ Back Ministries (February 25, 2016). Will publish this year by
- 2016. Translation of a Greek New Testament Commentary. Hiebert D. Edmond. 1989. Second Peter and Jude : An Expositional Commentary. Greenville S.C: Bob Jones University Press. Free access from
- 2016-17. Chief Editor of Translation. Messenger William and Theology of Work Project (Boston Mass). 2016. Theology of Work Bible Commentary (version One volume edition) One volume ed. Peabody Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers Marketing LLC. Free access from Theology of Work website as well as wedevote app, the most popular Bible app among Chinese speaking Christians.
- 2017. Translation. Hiebert D. Edmond. 1994. The Gospel of Mark : An Expositional Commentary. Greenville S.C: Bob Jones University Press. Free access from
- 2018. Transltion and Self Publishing. Joe Michelle. 2017. Mountain Friends: A true story about heartbreak and hope on China’s Tibetan frontier.
- 2018. Translation. Hiebert D. Edmond. 1992. James Rev. ed. Chicago: Moody Press. Free access from
- 2018. Translation. Biblical Education by Extention. ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT VOL 1, and volume 2. Internal use.
- 2018. Translation. The Bridge Discipleship Training Manual, Chinese version free access from《门徒培训手册》.
- 2018-19. Chief Editor of Translation. ACSI Purpose-Designed Bible Courses, Pre-k to G-6. Using by some Christian Schools in China.
- 2019. Translation and Edition. Wayne Israel. 2018. Answers for Homeschooling : Top 25 Questions Critics Ask. Green Forest AR: Master Books. Free access by asking.
- 2019. Editor and reviewer. Dr. PETER MASTERS. Remember the Lord’s Day.Sword & Trowel (January 9, 2009). Translated by Ruth Xie and Eddy Zhang. Free access by asking.
- 2019. Transtion. Biblical Education by Extention,Bilical Doctrines. Internal use.
- 2019. Translation. Marshall Walter. 1981. Gospel Mystery of Sanctification. Welwyn Hertfordshire England: Evangelical Press.
- 2019. Editor and reviewer. Cashin David. 2016. The Seven Essential Questions of Life First ed. Unknown: Create Space. Translated by Joe Zou. Ref. to 世界观布道(简体版)
- 2019. Translation and Editing. Powell Terry. 2014. Serve Strong : Biblical Encouragement to Sustain God’s Servants. Abilene Texas: Abilene Christian University Press. Chinese version: 特里‧鲍威尔(Terry Powell) Terry Powell and 跨文翻译. 2022. 坚固的服待 : 以圣经坚立神的仆人 = Serve Strong : Biblical Encouragement to Sustain God’s Servants Chu ban ed. Xianggang: 经典传承出版社.
- 2019-20. Translation. Bruce F. F. 1988. The Book of the Acts Rev. ed. Grand Rapids Mich: William B. Eerdmans Publishing. Free access from
- 2019-20. Translation. EveryNation Curriculum: Hemeneutics, OT Survey. Internal use.
- 2019-20. Translation with my son. Camp of the Woods. Exodus and Acts 2. Internal use.
- 2020. Translation. Biblical Education by Extention. Advanced Studies in the New Testament. Internal use.
- 2020. Translation with friends. Mathews R. Arthur. 1973. Towers Pointing Upward. Columbia S.C: Columbia Bible College. CIU history for Chinese program.
- 2020. Editor. Diederich F. Remy. 2017. Broken Trust : A Practical Guide to Identify and Recover from Toxic Faith Toxic Church and Spiritual Abuse. Self Publishing. Translated by Bonnie Yang. Will publish this year by
- 2020. Reviewer and project manager. Whyte Alexander. 1923. Lord Teach Us to Pray; Sermons on Prayer. New York: George H. Doran Company. Translated by Joe Zou.
- 2020. Hamilton Donald L. 2007. Preaching with Balance : Achieving and Maintaining Biblical Priorities in Preaching. Ross-shire Scotland: Christian Focus Publications. Published by
- 2020. Translation with my son, Zhitao Zhang. EveryNation, Systemetic Theology (1), New Testament Survey, Preaching. Internal use.
- 2020-2022. Translation consultant. NIDNTTE/NIDOTTE Series. Published by
- 2020. Translation with my son, Zhitao Zhang. Busic David A. 2021. Way Truth Life : Discipleship As a Journey of Grace. Kansas City MO: Foundry Publishing. Unknown usage.
- 2020. Editor and reviewer. Lin Arthur. 2020. The History of Christian Missions in Guangxi China. Eugene: Pickwick Publications. Translated by Wayne Wong. Ref.《广西宣教史(简体版)》。
- 2020-21. Translation with Wayne Wong. Fesko J. V. 2014. The Theology of the Westminster Standards : Historical Context and Theological Insights. Wheaton: Crossway. 《威斯敏斯特准则神学:历史背景和神学洞见》
- 2021. Editor, reviewer and translator. Transltion with Qian Wong. Erdvig Roger C.S. 2020. Beyond Biblical Integration: Immersing You and Your Students in a Biblical Worldview. Colorado: Summit Ministries. For CIU Chinese Education Program.
- 2021. Editor and reviewer. Jones Bill and Ken Katayama. 2020. The Ministry Multiplication Cycle. Eugene Oregon: Wipf & Stock. Translated by my son, Zhitao Zhang.
- 2021. Editor and reviewer. Hill Harriet S Margaret V Hill Baggé Richard Pat Miersma and American Bible Society. 2016. Healing the Wounds of Trauma : How the Church Can Help Expanded ed. Philadelphia PA: American Bible Society. Translated by my son, Zhitao Zhang.
- 2021-22. Translation. Hoehner Harold W. 2002. Ephesians : An Exegetical Commentary. Grand Rapids Mich: Baker Academic. Free access from
- 2022. Translation with Zhiqiu Xu. Hiebert D. Edmond. 1992. 1 Peter. Chicago: Moody Press. Free access from
- 2022. Editor and reviewer. Gill David W. 2020. Workplace Discipleship 101 : A Primer. Peabody Massachusetts: Hendrickson. Translated by Emma Tao. Ref. 《在职场作主门徒:职场门徒的训练指南(简体版)》。
- 2022. Editor, reviewer, and translator. Translation with Zhitao Zhang and Yiyi. Poythress Vern S. 2006. Redeeming Science : A God-Centered Approach. Wheaton Ill: Crossway Books.
- 2022. Editor and reviewer. Arnold Bill T and Bryan Beyer. 2002. Readings from the Ancient near East : Primary Sources for Old Testament Study. Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Academic. Will publish this year by
- 2022-23. Editor and translator. Translation with Eva & Nick. Longenecker Bruce W. 2014. Thinking through Paul. Longenecker and Todd D. Still Letters and Theology : A Survey of His Life Letters and Theology. Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan. Will publish this year by
- 2022. Editor and reviewer. Uecker Milton. 2019. Distinctively Christian : A Christ-Centered Approach to Early Childhood Spiritual Development. Wheaton Illinois: Wheaton Press. Translated by Zhitao Zhang. Internal use for CIU Education Program.
- 2020. Translation reviewer. Piper, John. 2021. Providence. Wheaton: Crossway. Translated by Eva & Annie. Ref. 《神的护理》。
- 2020-2023. Editor, reviewer, and translator. Translation with Zhitao Zhang. King Roy. 2016. Life-Giving Leadership. Columbis SC: Leaderspace. Will publish this year by
- 2022-2023. Editor and reviewer. Barr Beth Allison. 2021. The Making of Biblical Womanhood : How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth. Grand Rapids Michigan: Brazos Press a division of Baker Publishing Group. Translated by Yiyan & Alice. Looking for publisher.
- 2022-2023. Editor and reviewer. Translated by Andrew Qie and Nick Wu. Burge Gary M and Gene L Green. 2020. The New Testament in Antiquity : A Survey of the New Testament Within Its Cultural Contexts. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan Academic. Will publish this year by
- 2022-2023. Editor, reviewer, and translator. Translated by Xiaopeng Ren. Noll Mark A. 2022. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind : With a New Preface & Afterword. Grand Rapids Michigan: William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Will publish by .
- 2023. Editor and reviewer. Hodges Louis Igou. 1995. Reformed Theology Today. Columbus Ga: Brentwood Christian Press. Translated by Mosses Niu. Will publish this year by
- 2024. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. 220-Hermeneutics. Produced by Kuawen Translation (translated by Yanyi, proofread by Eddy). For use in the Chinese MA program.
- 2024. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. 221-New Testament Exegesis. Produced by Kuawen Translation (translated and proofread by Eddy). For use in the Chinese MA program.
- 2024. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. 415-Systematic Theology (5) - Soteriology Study Materials. Produced by Kuawen Translation (translated and proofread by Eddy). For use in the Chinese MA program.
- 2024. Dr. Milton V Uebeker, Unique Early Childhood Christian Education: Pedagogy. Produced by Kuawen Translation (translated by Eve, proofread by Eddy). CIU College of Education. Will publish. 2023-2024. Lyon Morris. NICNT/John. New International Commentary on the New Testament / John. Bible Study Tools website - Life Training series. Will publish.
- 2024. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. 411-Systematic Theology (1) - Introduction to Theology. Produced by Kuawen Translation (translated and proofread by Eddy). For use in the Chinese MA program. 2024-2026. James Montgomery Boice. Genesis: An Expositional Commentary. Bible Study Tools website - Life Training series. In translation.