上个月和Emma一起度过15周年水晶婚纪念日,笑谈我们刚结婚的时候,我祷告常常会将主祷文的开头念错,“Our Father in Law…”,觉得怎么念都顺口,在旧约神学上似乎也不是那么离谱,毕竟,颁布了十诫的Law先生是最为重要的特征嘛。
美国的犹他州在2022年通过了一项HB374法案,旨在从公立学校图书馆里禁掉某些“内容不妥”的图书。——This bill prohibits certain sensitive instructional materials in public schools.随后,犹他州教委就通过了一项approved a library materials model policy ,知道公立学校图书馆如何鉴别和下架各种违禁图书。
但似乎任何时代任何社区,burning or banning books,大概总归不是一件好事。我们都知道,焚书之后就是坑儒,禁书之后就是诛十族,不过一目了然的历史而已。
2022年底,一位愤怒的家长投书教育局,要求禁止一本从第一卷就充满谋杀、乱伦、同性恋、强奸、直白的性描写内容的书。按照法案的标准,教育局只能同意,这本书的确有如此内容,于是将其从公共图书馆移除。好吧,此书的名字叫作“Holy Bible”。在创世纪里,
- 谋杀:Gen 4
- 乱伦:Gen 19
- 同性恋:Gen 19
- 强奸:Gen 34
- 直白的性描写:Gen 38
“Incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide,” the parent wrote. “You’ll no doubt find that the Bible, under Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227, has ‘no serious values for minors’ because it’s pornographic by our new definition.”
“Based on their assessment of community standards, the appeal committee determined that The Bible has significant, serious value for minors which outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains,” the committee wrote in a decision published along with school board materials.
“Schools should teach us how to think, not what to think“. (学校应当教授我们如何思考,而不是思考什么内容)。
Well actually in thier decision to re-allow the Bible back in schools and public library, they aren’t arguing that it doesn’t contain profane material by thier new standards, but that the value of the other content outweighs all of that and makes it OK. So kids are able to read the good with the bad but they won’t absorb the negative parts because the good parts are so much better or it’s worth the damage the negative parts will cause.
值得再强调一遍,burning or banning books is always not a good idea, it’s not even an idea but destroying ideas. 这事不需要学过6年级历史课程才知道。
Here is your Bamboo …
Handy for burning or banning boo…ks
“Schools should teach us how to think, not what to think“. 我对于基督教古典教育,有一个简单的推论。
- 这种教育形式,注重基督教世界观的培养,其中很重要的价值观,就是各种“顺服”的思维模式。
- 这种教育形式,注重批判性思维,希望从语法、逻辑和修辞上训练出能够辨析(甚至口头辩论)的人。
- 推论:这种自我冲突的教育模式能够取得成功,但可能不会有太多成功的案例可以看见。