国内的基督徒在跟随美国教会的议题时,似乎会延后一段时间。比如英国清教徒17世纪去了新大陆,我国改革宗教会21世纪去了济州岛;”培基教育机构”(Institutein Basic Life Principles)的创办人高维理(Bill Gothard)早在2014年就因为性侵女学生而下台,我们到了2021年还在热衷于 “培基教育机构”培养出来的、Duggar一家的19个孩子……
2012年4月,Duggar一家19个孩子中的长子Josh Duggar被捕。几天前,Josh Duggar被联邦公诉,陪审团已经确认罪名成立,可能入狱20年。
最近,一位从 “培基教育机构” 出来,参与起诉高维理性侵案的女士艾米莉伊丽莎白安德森在Facebook上有一篇短文,引起了大量的讨论。她的同情,指向Josh的妻子Anna。之前,她还有另一篇文章,分析Anna为何无法离婚,或者因为恐惧离婚,情愿长期与一位出轨、性侵和虐待妻子儿女的丈夫生活在一起。
Anna Duggar did everything right*. 安娜-杜格做了一切当做的事情*。
She was raised in a conservative Christian home. 她出生在一个保守的基督教家庭。
She dressed modestly, and when she met Josh they practiced courtship instead of traditional dating. 她穿着朴素,当她遇到乔希时,他们采用了恋爱(courtship)的交往方式,而不是传统的约会(dating)。
She married with her parent’s blessing. 她的婚姻得到了父母的祝福。
She saved her first kiss for marriage. 她把自己的初吻保留到了结婚那一天。
She became the ultimate submissive wife. 她成为一位绝对顺从的妻子。
She spoke honorably of her husband, and always stood by his side. 她总是赞美自己的丈夫,无条件支持他。
When he committed adultery against her, she forgave him and remained in the marriage (despite evidence to show the behavior did not stop). 当他与其他人通奸,她原谅了他,留在了婚姻中(尽管有证据表明他的恶行并没有停止)。
She became his accountability partner for his addiction. 她成为他的督责伙伴,为他的性瘾负责。
She gave him lots and lots of sex, and birthed seven children for him. 她满足他一切的性要求,为他生了七个孩子。
She clung to her faith when her marriage began to fall apart, and prayed earnestly for her husband. 当婚姻分崩离析时,她坚持自己的信仰,并为丈夫恳切地祈祷。
Anna did everything right*. And yet, tragically, everything went so, so wrong. Five years after his adulterous secret life was revealed, her husband will be tried on November 30th for charges of receiving and possessing child sex abuse material. 安娜做了一切当做的事情*。然而,可悲的是,她的生活出了大问题,糟糕透顶。在他行淫的恶行被揭露五年后,她的丈夫将于11月30日接受审判,罪名是接收和拥有儿童性虐待材料。
While Anna certainly is a victim of her unfaithful husband, let’s not forget she is also a victim of a toxic belief system that has been engrained into her by fundamentalist Christianity for the entirety of her life. 虽然安娜肯定是她不忠丈夫的受害者,但我们不要忘记,她也是一个有毒信仰体系的受害者——这个信仰体系在她的一生中不断向她灌输基督教原教旨主义。
How many more stories like Anna need to happen before the fundamentalist church realizes that their messages concerning submission, sex, divorce, purity culture, and patriarchy, aren’t working? 在基要主义教会意识到他们那些关于顺服、性、离婚、纯洁文化和父权制的信息不起作用之前,还需要看到多少个安娜的悲剧?
After all, Anna did everything she was told to do to be guaranteed a safe and happy marriage. Perhaps, maybe, the problem isn’t Anna but instead the fact that she married an abusive man and the church refused to give her the support she needed to remain safe? 毕竟,为了保证一个安全和幸福的婚姻,安娜做了教会教导她要做的一切。也许,问题不在于安娜,而在于她嫁给了一个施虐的男人,而教会拒绝提供她所需要的支持,让她感到安全?
When will the church face the fact that the good/godly actions of one spouse cannot change the abusive behavior of another spouse? 教会什么时候才能面对这样一个事实:一个配偶的良好/虔诚的行为并不能改变另一个配偶的虐待行为?
When will they realize that the brazen promises of the purity movement and courtship movement are flawed and empty? 他们什么时候才会意识到,“纯洁运动”(purity movement )和“恋爱运动”(courtship movement)那厚颜无耻的承诺破绽百出,空洞无物?
When will the church start telling women like Anna that there is nothing a wife can do to make her abusive husband change? 教会什么时候才会开始告诉像安娜这样的女人,一个妻子没有办法让她施暴成性的丈夫改变?
When will they tell her that giving him more sex will not cure his addiction? 他们什么时候会告诉她,给他更多的性爱并不能治愈他的性瘾?
When will they tell her that practicing courtship will not divorce-proof or affair-proof her marriage? 他们什么时候才会告诉她,所谓“恋爱”(courtship)并不能使她的婚姻免受离婚或外遇的影响?
When are they going to start telling her that his abuse is not her fault? 他们什么时候开始告诉她,他虐待她,并不是她的错?
When are they going to tell her that by leaving an abuser and protecting her kids, she is not breaking her marriage vows (after all, he was the one break the covenant)? 他们什么时候才会告诉她,离开施虐者并保护她的孩子,并没有违背她的婚姻誓言(毕竟,他才是违背盟约的一方!)?
When are they going to tell her that God cares about her safety and her children’s safety, and that He created divorce as a means of protecting the vulnerable? 他们什么时候才能告诉她,上帝关心她和她孩子的安全,而且他创造了离婚作为保护弱势群体的手段?
Until the church starts changing its message to these victims and stops pointing the blame on them and telling them that they just need to submit more, or pray more, or give him more sex, women will continue to stay in these abusive marriages, believing that it’s God’s will for them and they have no other choice. 教会若不改变自己对受害者传递的信息,不再把责任归咎于她们,要求她们更多的顺服,更多的祈祷,或给他更多的性,这些女人将继续留在受虐待的婚姻中,相信这是神对她们的旨意,她们没有其他选择。
Josh Duggar is not the only one who needs to be held accountable for their actions, the church does as well. 乔什-杜格不是唯一需要被定罪之人,教会也有责任。
~ Emily Elizabeth Anderson ~ 艾米莉-伊丽莎白-安德森
* Right as in what the church told her what was the “right” thing to do in order to please God. Which in reality, is not healthy or safe or true at all. * 教会告诉她什么是 “正确 “、可以讨上帝喜悦的事情。在现实中,这些说辞没有带来一点点健康、安全,完全无法改变真实的处境。