人造生命 (科学伦理)
多线程操作 (救赎科学第7章试读)
事工哲学(57)|在变化的世界里灌输不变的真理 (基要主义反思)
事工哲学(82)|处境化与处境 (文化议题:文章列表)
为何我放弃了年轻地球创造论(Why I Left YoungEarth Creationism)
2020年8月5日,以“莫顿妖”(见附件)闻名的地球物理学家格伦R莫顿(Glenn R. Morton)去世。就在他去世前一周,格伦出现在和平科学论坛上,简单介绍了他的遗作《伊甸园在此》( Eden Was Here)背后的想法。“熊猫的拇指”注意到他的去世,并写了一篇值得阅读的传记。为了纪念他在和平科学的逝世,我们将发表他的一篇文章。我们从他众多文章中选择这一篇,听一听格伦解释他在石油地质学方面的经验如何使他离开年轻地球创造论,成为一名年老地球创造论者。
当我从大学物理学专业毕业时,物理学家几乎全都失业了,因为美国宇航局刚刚解雇了一批人。我读了哲学方面的研究生,然后决定离开学校,以挣钱养活越来越多的孩子。即使在一年之后,物理学家仍然无法就业。经过六个月的寻找,我终于找到了工作,成为一名地球物理学家,为一家地震公司工作。大约一年的时间,我为Atlantic Richfield处理地震数据。
在接下来的几年里,我努力工作以解决这些问题。我在《创造研究会季刊》(Creation Research Society Quarterly)上发表了20多篇文章。我会听取创造研究所(ICR)的意见,与斯鲁舍、吉什、奥斯汀、巴恩斯(Slusher, Gish, Austin, Barnes)等人进行讨论,也与我聘任的几位他们的研究生讨论。
到1986年,人们对广泛接受的创世论观点解释地质数据的能力越来越怀疑,导致我有将近10年的时间不再发表论文。我最后一篇年轻地球的论文题为《对年轻地球的地质学挑战》(Geologic Challenges to a Young-earth),作为第一届国际创造论会议(the First International Conference on Creationism)的第一篇论文提交。这篇论文没有得到好评。年轻地球创造论者不喜欢有人告诉他们是错的。他们对图片、地震数据和逻辑的反应让我感到厌恶。他们对我在业界为创造论发声更感兴趣,而不是对数据感兴趣。
约翰-莫里斯上台来挑战我。他声称自己曾在石油行业工作过。我问他为哪家石油公司工作过。我将与大家分享86年底或87年初发表在《怀疑论者》(Skeptical Inquirer)上的一段叙述。它是由罗伯特-沙德瓦尔德(Robert Schadewald)写的。他写道:
我被他们各种污名,但他们从来不处理我提交给他们的数据。以下是年轻地球创造论者在回应我的数据时对我的称呼。“叛教者“(Humphreys)“异端”(Jim Bell,尽管他后来像绅士一样道歉)“妥协者”(Henry Morris)“荒谬”、“天真”、“妥协”、“无知到极点”、“草率”、“不计后果”、“极其不准确”、“误导”、“愚蠢”和“故意欺骗”(John Woodmorappe),“像你的父——撒旦”(Carl R. Froede——我为这句话而感到自豪,因为曾经有人说耶稣也是从撒旦来的。) “你对耶稣基督的忠诚和委身是不稳定的,或者说不是真的’(John Baumgardner 12-24-99 [Merry Christmas])”[我]已经暗自怀疑有特洛伊木马在背后游荡…” (Royal Truman 12-28-99)……
上面已经说过,我不发表论文已经有10年了。我需要明确一点。我确实在80年代末发表过几篇文章。事实是,这些文章是我与乔治-豪(George Howe)交换的编辑信件。当乔治找我讨论“造山研讨会”(Mountain Building symposium)时,我告诉他我不想写文章。他说没关系,他可以写,交给我,然后出版。因为,这只是把一堆信件拼接在一起,它们是我的文字,但乔治将其编辑成了一篇文章。就所有的意图和目的而言,我已经与年轻地球创造论者(还不是“年轻地球创造论主义”,-ISM)划清界限,因为我知道他们并不关心数据。
这是一个非常简单的问题。有一个人,为壳牌公司工作的史蒂夫-罗伯逊(Steve Robertson)在电话里变得非常沉默,他叹了口气,轻轻地说’没有!’。我在Arco雇佣的一位非常亲密的朋友,在听到这个问题后,惊呼道:”等一下。肯定有一个!” 但他一个也说不出来。我也一个都说不出来。其他人也不能。有一个我联系不上、无法访问的人,在进入石油行业大约两年后,出现了信仰危机。我不知道他现在的精神状态如何,但我最后一次和他谈话时,他的状态很差。
在受够了创世论后,我几乎也受够了基督教。我当时正处于成为无神论者的边缘。在那段时间里,我重新阅读了一本我在出版前评论过的书。那是艾伦-海沃德的 “创造与进化”(Alan Hayward’s “Creation and Evolution.”)。尽管在1985年出版之前,我曾在1984年审阅过这本书,但我还没有准备好接受他所表达的观点。他提出了一个美妙的 “宣告日 “观点(Days of Proclamation view),将我从无神论的边缘拉了回来。虽然我相信艾伦没有完全可行地将其应用于地球,但如果以不同的方式应用,他的观点有能力将数据与圣经结合起来。这就是我的观点转变历程。如果没有这本书,我现在会是一个无神论者。艾伦的书中有很多我同意的地方,也有很多我不同意的地方,但他的书对保持我的信仰非常重要。虽然他的书可能还没有完全改变辩论的结果,但它确实改变了我的生活。
Copyright 2000 by Glenn R. Morton. 只要不对文本进行修改,不向读者收费,就可以自由传播。
Copyright 2002, 2004 G.R. Morton. 只要不做任何修改,不收取任何费用,就可以自由传播。
按:这篇文章最初是在Talk Origins上发布的。格伦-莫顿随后将其发布在自己的网站上。经作者许可,在此提供。格伦-莫顿曾是一名年轻地球创造论者,他曾为年轻地球组织撰写文章。这使他对年轻地球创造论的世界有了独特的看法。
我之所以提到这一点,是因为我今晚意识到YECs有一个自己的妖精。在与一个YEC的谈话中,我提到了他需要解决的某些问题。他没有解决这些问题,而是声称他没有时间去做研究。对于其他的YEC,我发现情况并非如此(比如[email protected],他拒绝了我讨论地质柱存在的提议,说:”我要讨论话题名单全在这里了。这不是下一个问题,但也许在不久之后吧。” 消息来源:[email protected] ) 而对于其他YECs,他们声称缺乏评估论点的专业知识,因此不会对批评的有效性做出判断。还有一些YECs拒绝阅读可能与他们意见相左的东西。
因此,我意识到有一个危险的妖精在逍遥法外。当我还是YEC的时候,我有一个妖精,它对我做了类似麦克斯韦的妖精对热力学所做的事情。莫顿之妖是一个坐在我的感觉输入装置门前的妖精 ,如果他看到支持性的证据进来,他就会打开门。但是,如果他看到有矛盾的数据进入,他就关闭大门。通过这种方式,妖精让我相信我是正确的,并避免任何讨厌的矛盾数据。幸运的是,我最终意识到这个妖精的存在,并开始在他不注意的时候打开大门。
他可以让人们认为地质柱不存在,即使人们在互联网上发布了一些例子。他可以让人们相信放射性测年法不起作用,即使你给他们看树环与放射性碳测年法的比较。他可以让人们忽视地质柱(geological column)中一层又一层的足迹和洞穴(见 ),并相信在全球大洪水期间,洞穴可以发生,动物可以不受阻碍地走动。他可以让人们认为太阳在缩小,星星都在地球的6000光年之内,或者说上帝为从未发生的事件制作了光速运动而来的图片。他可以让人们相信,化石不是动物的遗骸,而是魔鬼放置在那里的”石化品”。他可以让人们忽视现代对大陆运动、恒星形成或生物物种的测量。他可以让人们相信,在200乘100英里的区域内,75,000英尺的沉积物可以在几百年内沉积下来,他可以让人们相信诺亚训练动物按指令向桶里拉屎。他可以让人们否认那些具有明显介于两个群体中间特征的过渡形式。这是一个危险的妖精。
(Copyright 2002, 2004 G.R. Morton. This can be freely distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.
This article was originally posted on Talk Origins. Glenn Morton then posted it on his website.[1] It is provided here by permission of the author. Glenn Morton is a former young earth creationist, who has written for young earth organizations. This gives him a unique perspective into the world of young earth creationism.
Maxwell suggested a famous demon which could violate the laws of thermodynamics. The demon, sitting between two rooms, controls a gate between the two rooms. When the demon sees a speedy molecule coming his way (from room A), he opens the gate and lets the speedy molecule leave the room and when he sees a slow molecule coming at the gate (from room A), he holds it closed. Oppositely, when he sees a speedy molecule coming at the gate from room B he closes the gate but when he sees a slow molecule from room B coming toward the gate he opens it. In this way, the demon segregates the fast moving molecules into one room from the slow ones in the other. Since temperature of a gas is related to the velocity of the molecules, the demon would increase the temperature of room B and cool room A without any expenditure of energy. And since a temperature difference can be used to create useful work, the demon would create a perpetual motion machine.
Maxwell’s demon was shown to fail by Szilard who showed that the demon needed to use light (and expend energy) to determine a fast molecule from a slow one. This energy spent to collect information meant that the demon couldn’t violate the 2nd law.
The reason I mention this is because I realized tonight that the YECs have a demon of their own. In a conversation with a YEC, I mentioned certain problems which he needed to address. Instead of addressing them, he claimed that he didn’t have time to do the research. With other YECs, I have found that this is not the case (like with [email protected] who refused my offer to discuss the existence of the geologic column by stating “It’s on my short list of topics to pursue here. It’s not up next, but perhaps before too long.” Message-ID: [email protected] ) And with other YECs, they claim lack of expertise to evaluate the argument and thus won’t make a judgment about the validity of the criticism. Still other YECs refuse to read things that might disagree with them.
Thus was born the realization that there is a dangerous demon on the loose. When I was a YEC, I had a demon that did similar things for me that Maxwell’s demon did for thermodynamics. Morton’s demon was a demon who sat at the gate of my sensory input apparatus and if and when he saw supportive evidence coming in, he opened the gate. But if he saw contradictory data coming in, he closed the gate. In this way, the demon allowed me to believe that I was right and to avoid any nasty contradictory data. Fortunately, I eventually realized that the demon was there and began to open the gate when he wasn’t looking.
However, my conversations have made me aware that each YEC is a victim of my demon. Morton’s demon makes it possible for a person to have his own set of private facts which others are not privy to, allowing the YEC to construct a theory which is perfectly supported by the facts which the demon lets through the gate. And since these are the only facts known to the victim, he feels in his heart that he has explained everything. Indeed, the demon makes people feel morally superior and more knowledgeable than others.
The demon makes its victim feel very comfortable as there is no contradictory data in view. The demon is better than a set of rose colored glasses. The demon’s victim does not understand why everyone else doesn’t fall down and accept the victim’s views. After all, the world is thought to be as the victim sees it and the demon doesn’t let through the gate the knowledge that others don’t see the same thing. Because of this, the victim assumes that everyone else is biased, or holding those views so that they can keep their job, or, in an even more devious attack by my demon, they think that their opponents are actually demon possessed themselves or sons of Satan. This is a devious demon!
He can make people think that the geologic column doesn’t exist even if one posts examples on the internet. He can make people believe that radioactive dating doesn’t work even if you show them comparisons of tree rings compared to radiocarbon dating. He can make people ignore layer after layer of footprints and burrows in the geologic column (see ) and believe that burrowing can occur and animals can walk around unimpeded during a global flood. He can make people think that the sun is shrinking, that the stars are all within 6000 light years of the earth, or that God made pictures in that light of events which never happened. He can make people believe that fossils aren’t the remains of animals and are ‘petrifactions’ placed there by the devil. He can make people ignore modern measurements of continental motion, stellar formation, or biological speciation. He can make people believe that 75,000 feet of sediment over an area 200 by 100 miles can be deposited in a few hundred years, and he can make people believe that Noah trained animals to poop into buckets on command. He can make people deny transitional forms which have traits clearly halfway between two groups. This is a dangerous demon.
But one thing that those unaffected by this demon don’t understand is that the victim is not lying about the data. The demon only lets his victim see what the demon wants him to see and thus the victim, whose sensory input is horribly askew, feels that he is totally honest about the data. The victim doesn’t know that he is the host to an evil parasite and indeed many of their opponents don’t know that as well since the demon is smart enough to be too small to be seen.
But unlike Maxwell’s demon, Morton’s demon doesn’t expend any energy—he gets his victim to expend it for him. He can get his victim to expend massive amounts of intellectual energy figuring out how to convince the world that they are wrong. The victim will spend hours reading supportive books or searching through scientific literature noting only those portions which support the YEC position. And the victim will spend lots of energy trying to convince others to come see things the way they do. Thus, the demon gets its victims to spend energy to help it spread the infection.
The demon drives his victim to go to YEC conventions so that the demon can rest. By making his victim be with those equally afflicted, the demon doesn’t have to shut the door or even be watchful. This is because it allows the demon time to rest when all that is in the room is supportive data. For the victim, there is comfort in numbers even if they are few.
Those who try to help the poor victims escape the ravages of Morton’s demon wear themselves out typing e-mails explaining data and facts which never get through the demon’s gate. After years of weariness, the philanthropic individual dies of fatigue. This is oh so devilish a situation!)