They account that this doctrine tends to the subversion of a holy practice, and is a great pillar of Antinomianism, and that the only way to establish sincere obedience is to make it rather a condition to be performed before our actual justification and reconciliation with God.
Now, I leave it to considerate men to judge whether such a hope can be well grounded, without a good persuasion of such a reconciliation and saving love of God to us as does not depend on any precedent goodness of our works, but is a cause sufficient to produce them effectually in us.
And this is sufficient to make us despair of living to God in holiness while we apprehend ourselves to be under the curse and wrath of God, by reason of our transgressions and sins still lying on us (Ezek. 33:10).
所以,我们若领悟到自己暴露在神的咒诅和忿怒之下,明白我们的过犯罪愆仍在我们身上,就足以使我们竭力在神面前活出圣洁(结 33:10)。
所以,只要知道我们暴露在神的咒诅和忿怒之下,明白我们的过犯罪愆仍在我们身上,就足以对圣洁地活在神面前感到绝望(结 33:10)。
I question not but the devils know the excellency of God’s nature** as well as** our greatest metaphysical speculators, and this but fills them the more with tormenting horror and trembling, that is contrary to love (James 2:19).
我毫不怀疑魔鬼知晓神本性之卓越,也熟悉我们中间最为伟大的形而上学家们,但却更使他们心里充满了痛苦的恐惧和战惊——一种与爱相反的情感(雅 2:19)。
我毫不怀疑,魔鬼与我们中间那些最伟大的形而上学家们一样通晓神本性之卓越,但知识只不过让他们心里更加充满了痛苦的恐惧和战惊——与爱相反的情感(雅 2:19)。
【注:as well as. 这也是会翻译错的,而且校对的时候也看不到。】
And this was enough to work a shameful nakedness by disorderly lusts, a turning his love wholly from God to the creature, and a desire to be hidden from the presence of God (Gem. 3 8, 10) which was a total destruction of the image of God’s holiness.
他放纵了情欲,就足以让他因赤身露体而羞耻,从全然从爱神转为爱那受造之物,想要在神面前隐藏(创 3:8,10),完全毁坏了神圣洁的形像。
就这样,就足以使他放纵情欲,可耻地赤身露体,从全然爱神转为爱那受造之物,想要在神面前隐藏(创 3:8,10),完全毁坏了人身上带着的神之圣洁形像。
Away then with all the contrary methods of the new divinity!
Let me, therefore, suppose a Sadducee, believing no happiness after this life, and put the question: ‘Can such a one love God with his whole heart, might and soul?’ Will he not be reasonable, rather to lessen and moderate his love towards God, lest he should be overmuch troubled to part with Him by death?
【Let me put the question:翻译很难吗?】
Those that think it below the excellency of their love to work from a hope of the heavenly reward do in this way advance their love beyond the love of the apostles and primitive saints, and even of Christ Himself.
【Those that think …】
This is contrary to the error of those that account it sufficient if we have strength to practice holiness if we will, or to will it if we please; and this is the sufficient strength which they earnestly contend for as a great benefit bestowed on all mankind by universal redemption.
【if we have strength to practice holiness if we will, or to will it if we please. 到底要用几个if,而且还没有虚拟语气,而是一般现在时。】
I acknowledge that the work of God is easy and pleasant to those whom God rightly furnishes with endowments for it; but those who assert it to be easy to men in their common condition show their *imprudence *in contradicting the general experience of heathens and Christians.
What, if by our endeavors we can do nothing in any measure according to the rule, shall the law be put off with no performance?
Even so, when men that are dead in sin are called to do the works of a holy life, which are in them great miracles, God makes a discovery of the gift of power to them, that He may encourage them in a rational way to such a wonderful enterprise.
【in a rational way,到底修饰哪个名词?He or them?】