BDAG的κόσμος, ου, ὁ (Hom.+)有7个义项,各有古典希腊文的用法,LXX的用法,新约圣经的用法,一共将近2600个字(译成汉语将近5000字)。
① that which serves to beautify through decoration, adornment, adorning
② condition of orderliness, orderly arrangement, order
③ the sum total of everything here and now, the world, the (orderly) universe, in philosophical usage
④ the sum total of all beings above the level of the animals, the world, as θέατρον ἐγενήθημεν (i.e. οἱ ἀπόστολοι) τῷ κόσμῳ καὶ ἀγγέλοις καὶ ἀνθρώποις 1 Cor 4:9. Here the world is divided into angels and humans
⑤ planet earth as a place of inhabitation, the world
⑥ humanity in general, the world
- ⓑ of all humanity, but especially of believers, as the object of God’s love J 3:16, 17c; 6:33, 51; 12:47b.
⑦ the system of human existence in its many aspects, the world
TDNT(新约神学词典)上的κοσμέω, κόσμος, κόσμιος, κοσμικός一条,一共17492个字(翻译出来大概3万字),完全是一篇严肃的圣经神学论文了。
1John 2:15 不要爱世界和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。
John 3:16 16 神爱世界(?),甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。
至于英文版的约翰3:16译为“world”,只要查一下英文字典就知道了,world一词在merriam-webster字典上,光是作为名词就有14个义项,加上三个成语(world还可以做形容词,比如 world peace):
Definition of world
(Entry 1 of 2)
a : the earthly state of human existence
b : life after death —used with a qualifierthe next world
: the earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it
: individual course of life : career
: the inhabitants of the earth : the human race
a : the concerns of the earth and its affairs as distinguished from heaven and the life to come
b : secular affairs
: the system of created things : universe
a : a division or generation of the inhabitants of the earth distinguished by living together at the same place or at the same time the medieval world b : a distinctive class of persons or their sphere of interest or activity the academic world the digital world
: human society withdraw from the world
: a part or section of the earth that is a separate independent unit
: the sphere or scene of one’s life and action living in your own little world
: an indefinite multitude or a great quantity or distance makes a world of difference a world away
: the whole body of living persons : public announced their discovery to the world
: kingdom sense 4 the animal world
: a celestial body (such as a planet)
for all the world : in every way : exactly copies which look for all the world like the original
in the world : among innumerable possibilities
: ever —used as an intensive
what in the world is it
out of this world : of extraordinary excellence
: superb
在翻译的时候,我们会发现,某些文化在某些概念上不是那么充分。比如,在中国文化中,“罪”的概念就没有英文那样细致的区分,于是在翻译的时候,会非常难选择。比如,guilt, sin和transgression的问题:
One thing belonging to our natural state is the guilt of sin, even of Adam’s first sin, and of the sinful depravation of our nature, and of all our own actual transgressions, and therefore we are by nature the children of wrath (Eph. 2:3) and under the curse of God.
- (翻译):属于我们本性的一件事,就是罪之咎(甚至包括亚当的首个罪)、我们本性的罪性之堕落,和我们自己所有的本罪——因此我们天生就是可怒之子(弗2:3),且在神的咒诅之下。
- (修改):犯罪(guilt)是我们的本性。罪的引诱,亚当的原罪,在罪中堕落的人性,以及我们实际所犯下的各种罪行,都让我们担负罪疚(guilt of sin)——因此我们天生就是可怒之子(弗 2:3),在神的咒诅之下。
-(注释):guilt = 罪疚(犯罪)上次有位弟兄分享说,应当区分客观的罪和良心的负疚,sin = 罪,transgressions = 罪行。译者对“even”的处理不太好,因为所有of引导的短语,应当译为并列。
as has been shown:诚如前面所示
Another property, inseparable from the former, is an evil conscience, which denounces the wrath of God against us for sin, and inclines us to abhor Him as our enemy, rather than to love Him, as has been shown; or, if it is a blind conscience, it hardens us the more in our sins.
- (翻译):另一种与前者不可分割的特征,就是邪恶的良心。这良心谴责神(因我们的罪恶而)对我们所发的烈怒,使我们倾向于厌恶祂、把祂当作敌人,而不是像所示的那样爱祂;倘若良心是瞎眼的,就越发叫我们陷在罪里。
- (修改):另一种与旧人不可分割的特征,就是邪恶的良心,抗拒神因我们的罪所发的烈怒,使我们厌恶祂、视为寇仇,而不是爱祂——正如我们前面已经论证过的一样;或者,倘若良心是盲目的,就越发叫我们陷在罪里,心里刚硬。
- (注释):as has been shown。按照上下文,这个完成时态的短语,应当指前面已经讨论过的内容。“诚如前面所示”。
A third property is an evil inclination, tending only to sin, which therefore is called ‘sin that dwells in us’, and ‘the law of sin in our members’, that powerfully subdues and captivates us to the service of sin (Rom. 7:20, 23).
- (翻译):第三种特征是一种恶的倾向(即单单倾向于犯罪),因此被称为“住在我们里面的罪”和“住在我们肢体里的罪之律”,这两种律强有力地制服我们、迷惑我们去服事罪(罗 7:20,23)。
- (修改):第三种特征是行恶的倾向,让人不可避免地犯罪,因此被称为“住在我里头的罪”和“肢体中犯罪的律”。这种特征强迫我们为罪服役(罗 7:20,23)。
-(注释):subdues,captivates都是单数第三人称,所以不用“两种律”作为主语。这句话的主语应当是“A third property”,或者“evil inclination”。
all whom he fights …… 宾格的代词加主格的定语从句
A fourth property is subjection to the power of the devil who is the god of this world, that has blinded the minds of all that do not believe (2Cor. 4:4), and will certainly conquer all whom he fights with on his own dunghill, that is, in a natural state.
-(翻译):第四个特征,是对魔鬼能力的顺服。魔鬼是这个世界的神,曾叫一切不信的人,心里瞎了眼(林后 4:4)),也会战胜一切处在污秽中(即属血气的状态中)与之争战的人。
-(修改):旧人的第四个特征是屈服在魔鬼的权势之下。魔鬼是这个世界的神,弄瞎了不信之人的心眼(林后 4:4),凡凭着自己的努力,在自身的污秽中——即属血气的状态中——与之争战的人,都会被他征服。
As far as it remains in them, it lusts against the Spirit (Gal. 5:17); and it remains dead, because of the sin, even when the Spirit is life to them, because of righteousness (Rom. 8:10), and must be wholly abolished by death, before we can be perfected in that holiness and happiness that is by faith in Christ.
(Rom 8:10 [Cuv/S]) 基督若在你们心里,身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活。
- (翻译):这状态在他们里面存留的时候,就凭肉体的私欲与圣灵相反(加5:17)。这自然状态哪怕在圣灵中因义是活的,却仍因罪而是死的(罗 8:10),并且必须被死所全然废弃,才能在那因信基督而成的圣洁和幸福上得以完全。
- (修改):旧人只要存留一天,就凭着肉体的私欲与圣灵相争(加 5:17);即便在圣灵里他们因义而活,身体却因罪而死(罗 8:10),并且必须借着死亡全然废弃,才能在那因信基督而成的圣洁和幸福上得以完全。
-(注释2):by death. 工具格,不译为被动语态的动作主体。
parents = 父神,大概是typo
The promise of God, that He will not charge the iniquities of parents on their children, is a promise belonging to the new covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ; and it is yea and amen to us only in Christ, in whom we have another nature than that which our parents conveyed to us, so that we cannot justly claim the benefit of it in our old natural state (Jer. 31:29-31; 2Cor. 1:20).
-(翻译):神的应许,就是不将父母的罪孽归给儿女。这应许属乎在基督的宝血里所确认的新约。只有在基督里,我们才得着“是”,“阿们”。在基督里,我们有别的本性,与我们的父神所传给我们的不同(耶 31:29-31; 林后 1:20)。
-(修改):神应许不将父母的罪孽归在儿女的头上,乃是属乎新约,在基督的宝血里确认;只有在基督里,我们才以此应许为“是”,“阿们”,因为唯有在基督里,我们得到另一种本性,与我们的父母传给我们的旧人不同——所以我们在旧人里无法享受这应许的益处(耶 31:29-31; 林后 1:20)。
And those gospel means that are effectual for sanctification serve also for restraint of sin.
- (翻译):那些福音意味着,那些能使人成圣的,也能约束人的罪。
- (修改):那些使人成圣的福音手段,也能约束人的罪。
As vile and wicked as the world is, we have cause to praise and to magnify the free goodness of God that it is no worse.
- (翻译):虽然这个世界卑鄙邪恶,但我们有理由赞美和赞美神的自由善良,因为这自由良善并不比世界更坏。
- (修改):世界虽然肮脏邪恶,但我们有理由赞美神,称颂祂那慷慨的良善,因祂并未让这世界变得更坏。
“that it is no worse"的理解让我扣头皮,啥叫“神的良善可不糟糕”- 我承认没咋理解,就按上下文和常理稍微处理了一下,不妥请指正。
译者把"that it is no worse"当作goodness of God的修饰语,但这个短语是动词praise,magnify的修饰语。