

他问我有没有兴趣。这个问题不需要回答,因为,这可能是汉语神学翻译史上最大胆的翻译计划之一。我默默地估计了一下整个项目的字数。Dr. Dauglas Moo的“罗马书”一共1035页,有将近60万字(595541个英文单词)。而整套注释(现在还有几种没有出齐)有33,173页,按照罗马书的排版密度计算,一共是

33173 × 575 = 19,074,475





  1. 欧美的释经方法不能照搬到汉语释经上,因为有些重要的语法分析工具(比如,机械分层),限于语言的特征,汉语实施有难度。因此,需要考虑处境化释经的方法论问题。
  2. 用英文释经所利用的大量词典、历史资料,特别是历史积累的各种各样注释书,在汉语释经的时候都很难利用,因为没有翻译为汉语。而以汉语写成的注释书,有深度或洞见的,真的不多。
  3. 除了面向平信徒的丁道尔圣经注释,技术性强的注释,比如NICOT/NICNT,WBC,以及原文注释的NIGNT等等,没有成套翻译出版的。






我现在翻译F.F. Bruce的使徒行传(原文24万字),已经做到43%,时间是从今年1月1日开始算起的。按照目前的进度,一天3000个字,大概还有50个工作日可以完成。




  1. 熟练掌握数种英文圣经(KJV,ASV,NIV,NASB等),每种至少读过1遍;

  2. 熟悉和合本圣经,一旦和英文对不上,需要自己翻译。不然注释的时候,就会有地方穿帮对不上号。



  3. 读过中英文的系统神学和历史神学著作,知道常用的神学术语。翻译的时候,如果遇到和合本的固定译法,在注释的文本中应当体现出来。比如,vision要翻译为“异象”(不是视野),heaven要翻译为“天国”(不是天堂),至于observances,自己去想吧,我也不知道。charity呢?你翻译成“周济”,而没有翻成别的什么“慈善事业”,“献爱心”吧?

  4. 有很好的中文功底,可以处理各种长句。

    比如:That the first Gentiles to hear and accept the gospel (like the Ethiopian eunuch and Cornelius) should be worshipers of the God of Israel is the more significant for the record of Acts because, as we shall see, it was such God-fearers who formed the nucleus of the Christian community in one city after another in the course of Paul’s missionary activity.


  5. 耐心和毅力,专注和每天坚持完成计划。仔细,敬畏的态度。

  6. 不管身处何处,有办法访问Google。否则,你找不到为什么哥尼流是一个常见罗马名字的缘故:“Cornelius was a specially common name in Rome ever since 82 B.C., when P. Cornelius Sulla emancipated 10,000 slaves who were enrolled in his own gens Cornelia.” 谁是P. Cornelius Sulla?gens Cornelia是什么意思?

  7. 懂一点希腊文和希伯来文。

  8. 掌握一种CAT工具。






明天讨论翻译速度问题。据说为橡树翻译了多种神学书籍的穆桑先生,看了我的数据,发出来一个天问:“你3小时可以做5000字?” 然后,就准备转行做牧师了。



耗时 267 分钟
英文字数 4119
中文字数 7012
原文译文比 7012/ 4119 = 1.7
翻译句数 176
平均句长 4119/ 176= 23.4
单句平均耗时 267/ 176 = 1.52分钟

1. 百夫长哥尼流看见异象(10:1-8)

1 在凯撒利亚有一个人,名叫哥尼流,是意大利营的百夫长。 2 他是个虔诚人,他和全家都敬畏神,多多周济(犹太)百姓,常常祷告神。 3 有一天,约在九点钟,他在异象中明明看见神的一个使者进去,到他那里,说:“哥尼流。” 4 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说:“大人啊,什么事呢?” 天使说:“你的祷告和你的周济上达神面前,已蒙记念了。 5 现在你当打发人往约帕去,请那称呼彼得的西门来。 6 他住在海边一个硝皮匠西门的家里,房子在海边上。” 7 向他说话的天使去后,哥尼流叫了两个家人和常伺候他的一个虔诚兵来, 8 把这事都述说给他们听,就打发他们往约帕去。

1 The range of the apostolic message has been steadily broadened. Already it has begun to cross the barrier which separated Jews from Gentiles; now the time has come for that barrier to be crossed authoritatively by an apostle.

1 使徒所传之信息,每天都传播得越来越广,甚至已经跨过了分割犹太人和外邦人的隔阂;现在,是由使徒权威性地、正式打破这一隔阂的时候了。

The apostle who crossed it was Peter, the leader of the Twelve; the place where he crossed it was the largely Gentile city of Caesarea. The Gentiles who first heard the gospel from his lips were the family and friends of Cornelius, a centurion in the Roman army, belonging to one of the auxiliary cohorts stationed in Judaea.


The centurions who make their appearance in the New Testament record make a favorable impression. It is noteworthy that the first Gentile with whom Jesus had dealings during his public ministry (so far as we are informed) was a centurion stationed in Capernaum (possibly seconded from the Roman army to the security forces of Herod Antipas); it was with reference to this man’s faith that he is reported to have said, “many will come from east and west and sit at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 8:11). These words now began to find their fulfilment in another centurion.

在新约中出现的百夫长都给人留下了良好的印象。最著名的那位驻扎在迦百农的百夫长(可能是希律安提帕斯的保安部队的副指挥官),是耶稣在地上公开服事期间帮助的第一个外邦人;福音书作者记载说,正是提到此人的信心时,耶稣曾说,“从东从西,将有许多人来,在天国里与亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各一同坐席”(太 8:11)。现在,这句话开始在另一位百夫长身上成就了。

A centurion was nominally in command of a hundred men: although his status was that of a noncommissioned officer, his responsibilities were more like those of a modern army captain. Centurions were the backbone of the Roman army. The historian Polybius sums up their necessary qualifications thus: “Centurions are required not to be bold and adventurous so much as good leaders, of steady and prudent mind, not prone to take the offensive or start fighting wantonly, but able when overwhelmed and hard-pressed to stand fast and die at their post.”


Peter and Cornelius were each prepared by a visionary experience for their encounter. The whole narrative, which “bears the stamp both of probability and truth” (in Foakes-Jackson’s view), is of great importance not only because it tells how Peter used the keys of the kingdom to open a “door of faith” to Gentiles, but also because it introduces the questions of social intercourse between Jewish believers and Gentiles and of the admission of Gentile believers to the church without circumcision. These questions were later debated at the Council of Jerusalem, and the Cornelius episode was there adduced as a test case (15:7–9). Luke’s appreciation of the importance of the Cornelius episode is shown by the space he devotes to Peter’s rehearsal of his experience in 11:4–17, as well as by the repetition of salient features of the incident within the present narrative.


2 It is further important to observe that Cornelius, though a Gentile, was a worshiper of the God of Israel. Such Gentiles are commonly called “God-fearers”; while this is not a technical term, it is a convenient one to use. Many Gentiles of those days, while not prepared to become full converts to Judaism (the requirement of circumcision being a special stumbling block for men), were attracted by the simple monotheism of Jewish synagogue worship and by the ethical standards of the Jewish way of life.

2 更为重要的是,我们可以看到哥尼流尽管是外邦人,却在敬拜以色列的神。这样的外邦人通常被叫作“敬畏神的人”;尽管这还不算一个术语,但用起来十分方便。那时的许多外邦人,尽管不准备完全皈依犹太教(割礼的要求对于男人来说是个特别的障碍),但却被犹太会堂单纯的一神崇拜以及犹太生活方式的道德标准所吸引。

Some of them attended synagogue and became tolerably conversant with the prayers and scripture lessons, which they heard read in the Greek version; some observed with more or less scrupulosity such distinctive Jewish practices as sabbath observance and abstention from certain kinds of food (notably pork). Cornelius’s attachment to the Jewish religion appeared particularly in his regular prayer to the God of Israel and acts of charity to the people of Israel. One may say, indeed, that he had every qualification, short of circumcision, which could satisfy Jewish requirements.


The Roman army had its own religious observances, officially prescribed for appointed days and carried out with the same routine punctiliousness as modern church parades, but utterly incapable of feeding men’s souls. Roman soldiers who felt the need to satisfy their religious hunger looked elsewhere—many to Mithraism; some, like Cornelius, to Judaism.


That the first Gentiles to hear and accept the gospel (like the Ethiopian eunuch and Cornelius) should be worshipers of the God of Israel is the more significant for the record of Acts because, as we shall see, it was such God-fearers who formed the nucleus of the Christian community in one city after another in the course of Paul’s missionary activity. Luke’s interest in them is such that one may wonder if he himself was not a God-fearing Gentile who believed the gospel when he heard it.
