首先说一下《广西宣教史》的问题。这本书已经在安排Wayne弟兄翻译,而Wayne弟兄可能将会是跨文翻译第一位长期合作的同工。但是,这本书的版权属于著名的基督教出版社Wipf & Stock Publishing,所以并不能直接发布在网络上,而是需要申请中文版权。目前的进展是:
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1. | 广西宣教史 | 宣教/宣教史。 | 翻译进度:已经众筹部分翻译经费,正在翻译中。 | 版权:Wipf & Stock,正在申请 |
2. | 理解和应用圣经 | 教牧/神学/释经学 | 翻译进度:已经完成 | 版权:Moody。正在申请中 |
3. | Serve Strong坚固的服侍 | 教牧/灵修/领导力 | 翻译进度:正在进行,未筹款 | 版权:Dr. Terry Powell已授权跨文翻译 |
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5. | Preaching with Balance | 讲道学 | 进度:需要翻译筹款1万美元;预备翻译 | 版权:Dr. Hamilton 已经授权跨文翻译。 |
6. | 七个人生关键问题(The Seven Essential Questions of Life) | 福音/文化人类学/世界观 | 尚未翻译,尚未筹款 | Dr. Cashin已授权 |
7. | 婚姻咨询方法 | 婚姻咨询/基督教咨询 | 尚未翻译,尚未筹款 | Dr. Walgner已授权 |
8. | Redeeming Science | 护教学/科学神学/改革宗/传福音 | 翻译进度:有位弟兄志愿免费翻译。正在进行中。 | 版权:Vern S. Poythress. 正在申请版权 |
9. | The COACH Model for Christian Leaders | 教练/辅导/咨询/领导力 | 翻译进度:尚未开始筹款翻译 | 版权:Dr. Keith Webb. 正在申请版权。 |
10. | Psychology and Christianity: Five Views (Spectrum Multiview Books) | 心理学/辅导 | 翻译进度:翻译了序言部分,反响很好 | copyright: Dr. Eric Johnson. 需要申请版权 |
11. | God and Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of the Christian Faith. | 系统神学/基督教辅导 | 尚未翻译和筹款 | 也是Eric Johnson的书。此书写得极好,算是基督教辅导的系统神学。正文500多页,尾注和参考文献加上去,700页。需要申请版权。 |
12. | 山友 | 宣教史 | 翻译:已经完成。 | 版权:已经作者授权跨文翻译。在微信发行的时候,反响很好。 |
13. | Answer for Homeschooling. | 在家教育 | 翻译进度:已经完成 | 版权:作者授权给ChristianEducation公众号 |
14. | Reformed Theology Today. | 系统神学/改革宗 | 翻译进度:CIU中文项目翻译完成正文,尾注没有翻译 | 版权:Dr. Igou Hodges. |
15. | BAM Global Movement: Business as Mission Concepts & Stories. | 宣教 | 翻译进度:尚未筹款,尚未翻译 | 版权:by Gea Gort (Author), Mats Tunehag (Author)。我可以来联系版权。非常重要的新书。2018年出版的。 |
16. | 12月份 Bill Jones的新书 | 宣教/植堂 | 跨文翻译筹款 | Dr. Bill Jones |
17. | remember the Lord’s day | 教牧 | 马来西亚的弟兄Patrick出资,Ruth在翻译中 | Dr. Peter Master. 开放版权 |
耗时 | 191分钟 |
英文字数 | 3071 |
中文字数 | 5143 |
原文译文比 | 5143 / 3071 = 1.67 |
翻译句数 | 116 |
平均句长 | 3071 / 116 = 26.5 |
单句平均耗时 | 191 / 116 = 1.65分钟 |
耗时 | 171分钟 |
英文字数 | 3197 |
中文字数 | 5212 |
原文译文比 | 5143 / 3071 = 1.63 |
翻译句数 | 106 |
平均句长 | 3197 / 106 = 30.2 |
单句平均耗时 | 171 / 106 = 1.61分钟 |
8. Saul in Jerusalem; He is Sent to Tarsus (9:26–30)
8. 扫罗在耶路撒冷;众人打发他去大数(9:26-30)
26 扫罗到了耶路撒冷,想与门徒结交,他们却都怕他,不信他是门徒。 27 惟有巴拿巴接待他,领去见使徒,把他在路上怎么看见主,主怎么向他说话,他在大马士革怎么奉耶稣的名放胆传道,都述说出来。 28 于是扫罗在耶路撒冷和门徒出入来往, 29 奉主的名放胆传道,并与说希腊话的犹太人讲论辩驳;他们却想法子要杀他。
26 When Saul returned to Jerusalem, he was in a difficult position. His old associates knew all about his defection, and he could expect no friendly welcome from them. On the other hand, the disciples of Jesus, with whom he now wished to associate himself, had not forgotten his campaign of persecution. One can scarcely feel surprise at their suspicion when he made overtures to them. The role of the agent provocateur was as familiar in antiquity as in more recent times; what assurance had they that this was not a scheme of Saul’s to gain their confidence for their more effective undoing?
26 当扫罗回到耶路撒冷之后,发现自己的处境极为艰难。他的旧识知道他变节的经过,所以他根本别想受到他们的待见。另一方面,尽管他现在想要结交耶稣的门徒,他们却没有忘记他曾大规模逼迫他们。这样的人向他们示好,不得不引起众人的怀疑。和更晚的时代一样,古代也有从事挑拨离间的双面间谍;他们怎能保证这不是扫罗的阴谋,想要赢得他们的信任,以便更有效地打击教会?
27 It was Barnabas who, true to his name, acted as Saul’s sponsor and encouraged them to receive him. It is possible that Barnabas was already acquainted with Saul, knew his integrity of character, and was convinced of the genuineness of his conversion. When Saul desperately needed a true friend in Damascus, Ananias played that part to him; now, when he stood in equal need of one in Jerusalem, he found a friend in Barnabas. And Barnabas’s prestige with the apostles and other believers in Jerusalem was such that when he gave them his guarantee that Saul was now a true disciple of Jesus, they were reassured.
27 唯有巴拿巴人如其名,为扫罗担保,鼓励大家接纳他。很可能巴拿巴从前就熟知扫罗,深知他正直的品格,相信他的归信是真诚无伪的。当扫罗在大马士革迫切需要一位真正的朋友,亚拿尼亚出现在他面前;现在,当他在耶路撒冷需要同样的朋友时,他遇到了巴拿巴。巴拿巴在使徒和耶路撒冷的其他信徒面前有着良好的声望,所以他出面为扫罗担保,认定他是一位真正的耶稣门徒,其他人就不再有任何疑问了。
When Luke says that Barnabas brought Saul “to the apostles,” the narrative of Gal. 1:18–20 compels us to interpret this as a generalizing plural. According to Paul’s own solemn affirmation, the only leaders of the Jerusalem church whom he met on that occasion were Peter (Cephas) and James the Lord’s brother (whom Paul calls an apostle, although he would not have satisfied Luke’s conditions for that designation).
尽管路加说巴拿巴领着扫罗去见了“[诸位]使徒”,但加 1:18-20的叙述迫使我们将此解读为所谓“推广复数”(generalizing plural)。根据保罗自己严肃地确认,在耶路撒冷教会的领袖中间,他只见过彼得(矶法)和主的兄弟雅各(保罗称之为使徒,尽管他并不满足路加设定的条件)。
28–30 With Luke’s account here the whole passage in Gal. 1:18–24 must be compared: “Next, after three years I went up to Jerusalem to get to know58 Cephas, and stayed with him for fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles, except James, the Lord’s brother. I assure you, in what I am writing to you, as God is my witness, I am telling no lie. Then I came into the territories of Syria and Cilicia. I remained unknown by face to the churches of Judaea which are in Christ; they only kept on hearing, ‘Our former persecutor is now preaching the faith which he once tried to devastate,’ and they glorified God on my account.” The emphasis with which Paul affirms the truth of this account suggests that he knew of another account, which may have come to the ears of his Galatian converts, and which he is anxious to refute. It has indeed been argued that this rival account is the one on which Luke draws here, but this is quite improbable.
28–30 我们必须将路加在这里的记载与加 1:18-24相比较:“过了三年,才上耶路撒冷去结交矶法,和他同住了十五天。至于别的使徒,除了主的兄弟雅各,我都没有看见。我写给你们的不是谎话,这是我在神面前说的。 以后我到了叙利亚和基利家境内。那时,犹太信基督的各教会都没有见过我的面。不过听说‘那从前逼迫我们的,现在传扬他原先所残害的真道’,他们就为我的缘故,归荣耀给神。” 保罗尽力强调这段经历的真实性,暗示他知道还有另一种版本的故事,可能已经在他传福音信主的加拉太信徒中流传,而他迫切希望驳斥那种说法。实际上,有人提出路加在这里记载的版本就是保罗想要驳斥的说法,但这种说法成立的可能性相当小。
Paul’s chief concern in this section of Galatians is to show that he received his gospel, and his commission to preach it, without human mediation—in particular, that he was in no way indebted to the Jerusalem authorities. He had started fulfilling his commission (in Arabia) before he had any contact with Jerusalem, and when in due course he went up to Jerusalem, it was for a short private visit. Luke may generalize and say that he saw the apostles, but for Paul it was important to particularize and say which apostles he actually met. But Luke’s generalizing report does not suggest at all that “the apostles” to whom Barnabas introduced Saul conferred any authority on him.
It is not so easy to reconcile Luke’s description of Saul’s public activity at Jerusalem in association with the apostles with the statement in Gal. 1:22 that, until the time of his departure for Syria and Cilicia (and after that), he “remained unknown by face to the churches of Judaea,” which knew of him only by hearsay. One commentator removes the phrase “in Jerusalem” from verse 28 (taking it to be a gloss) and regards verses 28 and 29 as a continuation of Barnabas’s description of Saul’s activity at Damascus. Verse 30 would then go on: “And the brothers recognized him (that is, as a disciple) and brought him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus.” Thus, we are assured, “the whole difficulty vanishes.” It does not, and even if it did vanish, one must have reservations about an emendation, however ingenious it may be, which is proposed not because it has any textual attestation but because its adoption will help to remove a discrepancy. It is true that there is a marked resemblance between the account of Paul’s activity at Damascus (his bold preaching and the consequent plot against his life) and that of his activity in Jerusalem. Luke’s sources probably supplied him with little detail about the Jerusalem visit; hence the generalizing terms in which he reports it.
路加描述了扫罗在耶路撒冷结交使徒的公开活动;而加 1:22则说明,扫罗到叙利亚和基利家之前(以及此后),“犹太信基督的各教会都没有见过我的面”,只是听说他所行之事而已。要解决二者之间存在的不一致性,并不是一件容易的事情。有一位注释家将第28节的短语“在耶路撒冷”删除了(将其视为编辑的评注),并将28节和29节一并视为巴拿巴对扫罗在大马士革所作所为的描述。于是,第30节就应当是这样继续:“弟兄们知道了他(也就是说,承认他是门徒),就送他下凯撒利亚,打发他往大数去。”由此,他向我们保证说,“所有的困难都解决了。”但是问题并没有解决,况且即使困难不见了,我们还是要对这样的修订持保留的态度。不管这种方案是多么的天才,它并不是根据任何文本证据而提出修订,而是基于这样一来,就可以除掉一个疑难。的确不假,保罗在大马士革的作为(大胆传福音,引发了谋害他的阴谋)与他在耶路撒冷的作为之间有着明确的相似性。路加的素材来源可能对保罗访问耶路撒冷一事所知不多;因此他在报告此事时,采用了泛泛的用词。