The Random Forest Based Detection of Shadowsock’s Traffic
With the development of anonymous communication technology, it has led to the fact that the network monitoring is becoming more and more difficult. If the anonymous traffic can be effectively identified, the abuse of such technology can be prevented. Since the study of machine learning is rapidly developing these years, this paper applies the Random Forest Algorithm – a semi-supervised learning method – into the traffic detection of Shadowsocks. We can get over 85% detection accuracy rate in our experiments after applying Random Forest Algorithm by collecting train set, gathering features, training models and predicting results. With the scale of train set and test set increase, the detection accuracy rate gradually increases until it becomes constant. We will make several adjustments on train set, test set and feature set to reduce the false alarm rate and false rate when detecting.Published in: Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC), 2017 9th International Conference onDate of Conference: 26-27 Aug. 2017Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 21 September 2017 实在是为这85%的识别率感到丢脸。如果这个系统实施了,15%的清白流量也会被屏蔽,互联网又会被劣化不少。- - - - - -
我问国内的朋友们,还能收邮件吗?有没有什么安全的方式? 技术男都没有问题,那些做产品、做销售的人基本都挂了。 于是,临时紧张起来,花了点时间研究v2ray和gfw.press(又叫“大杀器”)。暂时看来还不错,不知道实际回国以后有没有用处了。 (https://htfy96.github.io/v2ray-config-gen/#) 为小白们生成配置(https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/issues/101#issuecomment-214670792%5D)如何在centos6上运行v2ray 当然,SS也多少要预备几个。这就是我的屏幕。 - - - - - -
按照某推油的说法:``` 这年头卖vpn 的可以说是义人了,请各位保护他们,不要把他们推荐给不信任的人(包括但不限于伸手党、朋友圈贵妇)。
但是,我决心一个vpn也不卖,推荐也没有用。如果你真心实意做小白,请先购买一个vps权作投名状。要知道,我一年在互联网服务上的投入已经超过数百美元了。常年都是三个爆贵的vps,一个网站,加上手机费,上网费,密码管理器,evernote,亚马逊会员,云备份服务……还有各类正版软件的投入。 也许我应该回到老本行,做一个IT顾问……