Diarrhea. Again. And again.

The first week after Lisa drank all the familiar brand of infant formula we brought from US, she began to get diarrhea. She would wake up early in the morning like 5 a.m. and climb off the bed. Then she would come to call me: “Ba Ba, poo-poo.”

And those days I would help her to change 10 diapers. And I understood why diarrhea and diaper all begin with ‘dia’.

Nobody wants to use formula that ‘made in China’. So Emma tried some new formula from German or US, which cose more than $60 for 1KG pack. But the problem was that we still didn’t know if they were made in China. And Lisa still had diarrhea.

So Emma asked one of her friends to mail some infant formula from New Zealand. This time everything was fine for Lisa. She did not have diarrhea anymore and gained some weight recently.



