… to shame the strong


Emma had her first surgery and the doctor called to plan another one two days ago. The pain and uncomfortable restoration process made her forgetting one of the reading requirement on “Pastoral Epistles”. I guess that’s why after class few of my friends asked me if Emma was OK and so I knew she cried in the class.

Then she asked Dr. Miller how he could still serve the Lord in his serious sickness. Dr. Miller said, ‘God use the weak …’ and that brought comfort to her.

Praise God, through her sickness and trial Emma was stronger, praying earnestly and being more patient on God’s timing.


Only three months left that we will finish this period of lives in US and may not have a chance to come back for years. Things are overwhelming when we are planing for our future ministry and preparing the transition time for our kids.

In the meantime, we are raising praying and support which is a new experience of us. We learned a lot from many questions throwing to us in the process and slowly learn to rely on God more and more.

Pray for God will preserve us in these three months and help Emma to restore soon so she will have enough time to have the second surgery.


Emma 做了一次手术,前天医生来电话,大约还需要再做一次手术。这段恢复的时间,对Emma来说相当痛苦不舒服。一两岁的孩子们太小了,一点怜悯心也没有,照样要求妈妈的爱。











[![The prayer and supporting raising picture of Zhangs' Family](https://eddyemma.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Zhangs-Family-2015.jpg)](https://eddyemma.com/2015/02/god-will-use-the-weak/zhangs-family-2015/)
The prayer and supporting raising picture of Zhangs’ Family